Spiral Prologue

Sitting in the pitch black room she wondered how it had come to this.  How her life could have taken such a fateful turn.  This was the end; she accepted that.  There was no way she could explain her actions.  She thought she should be crying, enraged, desolate, but all she could feel was numb.

Three men walked in the room one grabbed her by her hair he dragged her to her feet, and out of the room.  She did not know what was happening now, but she hoped the ending would be quick and as painless as possible.  She had heard stories, of ways and means they use.  How she hoped she was going to be the exception to the rule.  She was thrown into another room landing hard on the floor.  She found the light blinding after being cooped up in the dark for so long.  Her eyes adjusted upon focusing her breath was taken away.  The full council sat before her.

Possibly 300 people sat in tiered seating all taking a good look seeing the terror in her eyes.  She could not see their expressions all but one were covered head to toe in thick claret robes with only a light mesh covering their eyes.  The other was wearing the robes in royal purple.  She had read about the robes in her school books but never observed them before, few people had.

The royal robed councilman who sat in the front row, direct centre, stood and in a booming voice he asked the critical question ‘Elizabeth Joan Lewis you stand before us charged with treason how do you plead?’